1st Spiritualist Church Salem
and Karma Kafe
your spirit-to-spirit connection
Spiritual Discovery: Unfoldment
Spiritual discovery and the unfoldment of your unique spiritual gifts is an inside job but it helps to have like-minded and like-hearted people at your side, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way.
Classes: Mediumship Unfoldment
Spiritual Unfoldment classes are facilitated in the Spiritualist tradition. Classes use exercises, instruction, coaching, study, discussion and development circle to help you identify and explore your unique spiritual gifts, be it as a medium or a healer. Must be 18 years of age or older.
Class meets weekly beginning Tuesday, October X from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Eastern time. This is a hybrid class; in-person at 34 Warren St., Salem, MA for local enrollees and by Zoom for those who must attend long distance.
A mix of topics facilitated by specialists in astrology, mediumship, healing, tarot, and other topics that open you to new possibilities and new thought. Organized through the Karma Kafe Coffee House, workshops are open to everyone. Fees vary. Visit our Karma Kafe site for this year's exciting offerings! Due to COVID restrictions, delivered by Zoom.
Demonstration Services
On designated Sundays, the adult students who are ready to begin public mediumship demonstration by inspirational speaking and spirit greetings work from the church platform at short half-hour services.
Mediumship and Healing certifications are in partnership with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches and the Morris Pratt Institute. Certification is available to members of the church only who actively and consistently sit in the Spiritual Unfoldment Class. Course requirements and testing are per NSAC standards. Visit the NSAC site for more information.