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Spiritual Unfoldment Classes

Mediumship Unfoldment
Begins Feburary 4

with Patricia Cizewski

Reveal your spiritual gifts of mediumship and/or healing in this 10-week development class. Through discussion, exercises to awaken your inner psychic, and sitting in development circle, we will explore:

  • The underlying science of mediumship and healing

  • The mechanics of mediumship and methods of healing

  • The "clairs" and which one(s) suit you (clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.)

  • Regulating your mediumship to maintain balance and grounding

  • Meeting your spirit guides and how to work with them

  • Ethics of mediumship and healing

  • Presenting in public, including an all-student service on March 16

  • And much more!

Discovering and expanding your mediumistic abilities is fun and exciting, yet it comes with a responsibility to yourself and others. As such, we ground our unfoldment in the 9 Principles of Spiritualism and the Natural Laws, such as the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Acceleration, and so forth. By understanding the underpinnings of the Universe, and hence, of mediumship, we align ourselves to our "better angels" and the Universal flow of life. Thus, you unfold your abilities with balance, logic, and an ever-evolving spirituality that is unique to you. This class affords you the comfort of developing your abilities among like-minded and like-hearted friends who support and encourage one another. 

Class meets every Tuesday evening from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for 10-weeks with time off in the schedule for holidays. The non-refundable fee is $100; a $25 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. The balance of $75 is due on the first night of class. To register, click the link below.

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